As primary educators, parents are tasked with making decisions – especially in the early years. What stories do we want our children to hear, what music, what art do we want our children to see, what movies? In his letter to the Philippians, Saint Paul exhorts all of us to “fill our minds with what is good, true and beautiful.” These are the things that we should present to our children as worthy of learning. This is our curriculum and our children’s education.
The elementary years are precisely when we want to fill our children with what is good, beautiful and true!
In considering the life of a Saint Francis student, it is amazing how each student encounters all of these things on a daily basis . . .
Upon entering our school, children encounter the good. Our Saint of the Day chalkboard introduces them to someone who is good – to a hero that has “won the race.” This inspires them to imitate the Saints – and to sing!
As the school day progresses, in the classroom and outside, students learn the truth – whether of megabytes or metamorphosis!
Preschoolers and sixth graders alike witness beauty: the order of the Mass, God’s presence here on earth. With a true Franciscan spirit, on the Feast of Saint Francis, we take to the outdoors for a procession!