St. Francis of Assisi School is a joyfully Catholic school where students Seek the Truth, Do the Good, and Love the Beautiful. Students in preschool through sixth grade become life-long learners, committed to pursuing virtue and academic excellence as they grow in Christ’s grace.
Inspired by a Supernatural Vision
At St. Francis School . . .
We view education as a process that forms the whole child and seeks to fix his or her eyes on heaven. Our prayers at the beginning and at the end of the day offer our work and play to God, orienting us towards our final destination. Christ is the measure, He is the one to whom we give glory, and He is the one we look to throughout the day, whether we are doing long division in Saxon Math or building a shelter in Natural Science.
Founded on a Christian Anthropology
At St. Francis School . . .
As Catholic educators, we recognize the natural and supernatural needs of every child. Thus we must not view our teaching as simply equipping students with useful skills that will ensure worldly success. Christ is not an afterthought or an add-on; He is the Teacher of our school. As educators, we strive to develop the whole person: the spiritual, intellectual, emotional, and physical potential of every boy and girl at St. Francis School. Our teachers communicate the love of Christ to each of their students, helping to form their lives in an incomparable, foundational way.
Animated by Communion and Community
At St. Francis School . . .
We emphasize the school as a community, founded on love of God and love of each other. We value our partnership with parents, who are the first and most important educators in their children’s lives. It is a privilege to share in the formation of their precious children. Whether we are inviting families to join us for Trunk or Treat, a classroom event, a field trip, an outdoor Eucharistic procession, or the Crowning of Our Blessed Mother during the month of May, we deeply appreciate the wonderful involvement, good example, and generosity of our parents. This partnership embodies itself in the community of students and teachers, where we strive every day to see each other as persons made in the image and likeness of God. Just hearing the children offer prayer intentions for their family members and classmates at our all school meeting is a weekly reminder of their desire for the good of others. Although we tell them of the most important commandment from Christ, it is often the children who teach us how to love God above all and love our neighbor as ourselves.
Imbued with a Catholic Worldview throughout its Curriculum
At St. Francis School . . .
A spirit of joyful optimism permeates the entire curriculum. The education we provide, across all subjects, prepares students for a fully human life at the service of others and for the life of the world to come. This unity of life does not mean every subject is Religion; rather throughout the entire curriculum, an emphasis on truth and wisdom, an appreciation for God’s gifts in the natural world around us, and an understanding of human history and culture that shows the unending search for the true meaning of life all point to the One who made us. Our students are taught to model their lives after Our Lord who sacrificed Himself for us and to think of others first. From an early age, students encounter Christ’s saving love in the Holy Eucharist, who waits for them every day in the tabernacle and walks with them throughout their years at St. Francis School.
Sustained by Gospel Witness
At St. Francis School . . .
Our teachers and staff are tasked with a monumental mission, one that we, in truth, cannot do on our own. This mission is to provide a vital witness to Christ with our very lives. It is our great responsibility to create a deeply Catholic environment in which our students can flourish. This task is not simply a profession; it is a supernatural and noble calling and it cannot be done without God’s grace. Our teachers are exceptional individuals who care deeply about the success of each child. Each, in their own way, points to something – rather Someone – greater than themselves. They strive to humbly begin again each day in this vocation of love and formation. From Carline to Conferences, the selfless dedication and example our teachers and staff provide cannot be overestimated.
At the root of our mission is a belief in the real presence of Jesus Christ on earth. It is the knowledge that He came to save us, and that – in a real sense – all is right with humanity and the world. We worship Him in the Eucharist; we change our lives by practicing the virtues; and we find peace and joy in His authority, love and guidance.