The importance of Holy Mass in the education and formation of our children cannot be overstated.
St. Francis of Assisi School is pleased to offer Holy Mass for the sanctification and well being of our school children. Students in Grades 3-6 begin Monday, Thursday and Friday with Mass. All students, Preschool through Grade 6, attend Mass together on Wednesday.
The decision to include Holy Mass as part of our day plays a very significant role in our school culture. Each morning, students are afforded a time for prayer and reflection; they are encouraged to give thanks for what has been, and to contemplate the day ahead.
Each, in their own way, learns from our chaplain, Father Jeff, who helps them to discover Our Lord’s teaching in the Gospel reading while reenforcing the Virtue of the Month.
The spiritual, social and psychological benefits to beginning each morning with Holy Mass are immeasurable. The Mass truly is our children’s first lesson of the day.

Why send children to Mass?
It was revealed to Saint Gertrude the Great that for each and every Mass that we hear during our lives, Christ sends a saint to comfort us in death.
Regardless of age, or one’s religion, there is a great benefit for all children to attend Mass.
But what do children “get out of it?”
It should be said that nobody ever fully comprehends the Mass; there is always something to learn from Christ’s infinite sacrifice. Our Lord gave us the Mass as a perfect form of prayer that is offered back to God Our Father.
We believe that through the Mass, Our Lord has the ability to call and speak to each one of us – perhaps He speaks even more clearly to our children. He may inspire them to act; He may move their hearts or will towards some purpose that ultimately will bring about their happiness.