What is Title One and how do non-public schools participate?
Title One Part A is an annual federal allocation granted to public and nonpublic schools for the purpose of providing supplemental support to students who are not yet meeting learning targets.
To receive a Title One allocation, each school must submit required documents to the local school district and develop a strategic and comprehensive plan for screening students for academic need, selecting appropriate materials and instructors, providing supplemental support in-school, after school and during the summer as needed, and evaluating students’ growth. The Diocese of Manchester and our school leaders partner with each local school district to assure that federal funds are allocated to each of our schools and that they are used to support your children. The goal is to help students improve their basic reading and math skills by supporting and reinforcing classroom instruction such that each child is skilled and confident.
How is the St. Francis School Allocation Used?
Each team presents a plan for the use of the federal funds at each school to the NH Department of Education. In partnership with the local school district as the agent of the funds, the school plan would include:
- Hiring supplemental staffing (interventionists) to provide in-class or pull-out, targeted literacy or math instruction
- Literacy or math materials for classroom differentiated instruction or to be used in tutoring
- Web-based software and technology resources to support literacy or math learning accessible outside of school
- Parental engagement activities, workshops, trainings, materials and resources for supporting student learning at home
How can students participate in the St. Francis School Title One Program?
Title One participation is based on our school-wide and grade-level screening assessment results, classroom assessments, teacher recommendation and the Student Assistance Team Recommendation. A teacher completes an observation form with specific questions about the students academics and classroom performance. The team determines the students qualification based on the students’ present level of performance. Selected students’ parents would receive a “Permission to Participate” form, along with reasoning for the recommendation. The “Permission to Participate” form must be signed and returned before Title I services can begin. As the children make progress, they are continually monitored and there may be a gradual release of services until they are not necessary and the student has met their goals. For some children, this is a few weeks, while for others, it may mean participation for the duration of a school year while interventions are implemented. At each benchmark assessment throughout the year, students are re-evaluated for participation in the Title One intervention program.
The only occasion in which a student would not need to qualify for Title One is if they become homeless at any time during the school year. Students who are homeless automatically qualify for services under the McKinney Vento Act.